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Support Group Session


Mission Statement

  1. The counseling ministry at WCBC exists to glorify God as we help people put their hope and trust in the sufficiency of Christ and the Scriptures (Col. 2:15, Pro. 1:7) 

  2. We seek to accomplish this by: 

          i.  Being steadfastly committed to teaching the sufficiency of Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

          ii.  Recognizing that this sin cursed world, and our sin nature, lie at the heart of all the issues we will encounter

               (Gen. 3: 14-19, Jas 4:4)

          iii.  Pointing hurting people to a Sympathetic High Priest (Heb. 4:14) 

          iv.  Applying the gospel, and the truths of Scripture, to the lives of those who seek our help (2 Peter 1:3-4)

          v.  Confronting sin by speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15) 

          vi.  Recognizing that man is both material and immaterial (Gen 2:7) 

  1. Therefore there are material problems and immaterial problems 

  2. Therefore, we are committed to helping those who need help from a medical doctor, find someone who will wisely prescribe treatment. 

          vii.  Leading people to understand God, so they can truly understand themselves (Is. 6:1-5)


Getting Started

If you're ready to get help now, please begin by completing the Counseling Intake Form below. Please note that each individual desiring counseling needs to fill out a separate form.


What to Expect 

Most counseling sessions take between 1 to 1.5 hours. In most cases, we ask individuals to commit to regular counseling appointments for a period of 3 to 4 months.


Privacy and Care

Our staff will care for you and treat you with respect. Everything will be held in strict confidence except where, in the counselor’s judgment, there is a Biblical requirement to involve others (e.g. criminal activity). 


Encouragement toward Christ-likeness

Our staff will encourage you in your successes and exhort you to think and behave in a way that pleases Jesus Christ.


Weekly Homework

We’ll assign you homework to take home between your weekly counseling sessions. The assignments are meant to encourage lasting change.

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