Student Ministries at West Cannon exists to glorify God by teaching, discipling, and loving teenagers in order that they may see their need for a meaningful and personal walk with their Savior Jesus Christ. We seek to fulfill this mission in four keyways: coming alongside parents, bible-based teaching, personal discipleship, and Christ-centered fellowship. All four of these aspects of our youth ministry guide us as we seek to glorify God in all that we do!
Big Group
Sunday Mornings @ 11:00 am–12:00 pm
Big Group is our primary teaching opportunity. During this time, we seek to equip students through biblical exposition. Our Big Group time also incorporates corporate worship led by our Student Worship Team.
Small Groups
Wednesday Nights @ 7:00-8:15 pm
Small Groups are a vital part of our ministry. They are designed for students to be in a smaller group of their peers, to promote growth and accountability. This time is discussion based and allows the students to verbalize what they have learned from their bible reading and the Big Group time on Sunday
We have many events throughout the year for both Junior High and Senior High. Some of the events include retreats, all-nighters, Sunday night after hours, service projects, and different summer trip opportunities. For more information on upcoming events and sign-ups, please contact Pastor Wes below.