Grow Connected – Looking for ways to get connected?
Adult Sunday School Classes
Our adult classes, which follow the Sunday AM worship service, provide smaller settings for developing community, using spiritual gifts, providing care, and insuring accountability. They are designed to facilitate assimilation into the church family, biblical discipleship, and caring communities. Although many of the classes have a median age range, adults are free to attend the class of their choosing.

We are passionate about students living in vibrant relationship with Jesus! Our Student Ministries exists to glorify God by teaching, discipling, and loving teenagers in order that they may see their need for a meaningful and personal walk with their Savior Jesus Christ. We meet together Sunday mornings 11 am -12 pm, Wednesday nights 7-8:15 pm, and during various events throughout the year.
We love kids, and we love families! We delight in partnering with parents in teaching the Bible so that children will know the way of salvation, grow in their love for God, and show His love to others. Our screened volunteers are skilled in sharing the truths of the Bible with children in engaging and age-appropriate ways through Bible stories, music, activities, and crafts. We offer various Children’s Ministry opportunities throughout the week including Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and Thursday mornings.

We were created to thrive in community! Our small groups, which meet at various times throughout each month, allow for meaningful relationships to grow on a more personal level. These groups provide time to pray with, encourage, strengthen, and care for one another while studying God’s Word.
Get Committed – Ready to take the next step?
Baptism Classes
We are excited that you are considering baptism! Baptism is a special time in the life of every believer, and the church family will rejoice with you as you follow Jesus Christ in this significant way. If you would like to be baptized or learn more, please click the button below and let us know by email.

Membership Classes
We are thrilled that you are interested in joining the church family here at West Cannon. We truly want to worship God acceptably, grow and encourage one another to personal holiness, and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Your desire to join us in fulfilling this mission by serving, participating, and committing to our church is a great encouragement. We offer classes several times throughout the year. Please contact us if you would like to learn more.
We have a number of different ways for you to get involved and serve at West Cannon. We rely on many volunteers each week to fill key ministry needs from door greeters to children’s teachers, from music, to our tech team, to the “bean team,” and many, many others. We also have numerous service opportunities for our ministries in the church and community that meet during the week. Whatever your gifts and abilities, we have plenty of places we could use you!